Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy Anniversary!

Just after posting the last blog, I noted the date and it rang a faint bell. Might it have been when I posted my first blog four years ago? Easy to check and the answer was, "Almost."It was January 11, 2011.  I missed it by two days! So Happy Belated Anniversary to this happy marriage of my insatiable desire to set down my thoughts and some interest from readers far and wide to actually read what I have to say. May I start the celebration by thanking all of you mostly invisible readers for taking such an interest? Though some of my close friends might advise, “Don’t encourage him!” with their tongue partly in cheek, you do encourage me and help me feel an extra pleasure knowing someone might enjoy reflecting along with me on these various themes. All of this has helped clarify and widen and deepen my own thinking and it would give me great pleasure to think it might help you as well. That’s the point, isn’t it? The world spins on regardless of what we think about it, but our participation in it is heightened when we begin to craft a vision of what it means—or might mean—to live well together and say it out loud. At least it does for me.

And so 975 postings later, an average of 244 a year, 137 followers, around 100 or so readers each day (with big swells when I mention a blog on Facebook), 104,788 page views over the four years, the beat goes on. Thanks to Blogspot for their generous technology, thanks to the Muse for keeping the thoughts coming, thanks to PG&E for the electricity.

Still wondering about collating the “greatest hits” to put in book form, a project I actually started last year. And readers, either something is technically off that makes it hard to comment (some people have said this) or people don’t feel the need to (which is fine in a way, since commenting on comments would take more time for all of us), but if any of you felt so moved to send me an “Anniversary Greeting” or support the idea of a book or make a general comment or simply introduce yourself, that could be sweet. No pressure!

Meanwhile, I’ll wish myself a Happy Anniversary! Onward!

PS You can always write to me at Goodkindg@aol.com


  1. Doug...congrats on the anniversary! Keep 'em coming! Actually, you've inspired me to start my own blog. It's here: http://paulbakeman.blogspot.com/ I can only hope that muse will be as generous to me as she has been to you!

  2. Happy anniversary, Doug! May your writing continue to inform teaching and inspire heated debate for decades to come.


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