Thursday, August 31, 2023


Yesterday, I had a delightful walk and talk with Samantha Campbell, the filmmaker who made The Secret Song film about my last year of teaching at a school. Our conversations are always interesting and provoking and yesterday when I started to talk about something, I felt like I was in some zone where my sentences were more articulate than usual. I suggested she record my answers to her questions and then asked her later to send the recording to me. So she did, using the transcribing function on her i-Phone. 


Despite all our monumental efforts to make our machines smarter than ourselves, the transcription shows how far we are from that—and thank goodness! Indeed, in my way of thinking, the machine has no independent soul or beating heart and will forever fall short of the full capacity of human intelligence. But meanwhile, it was quite entertaining to read the transcription. A few phrases I can remember what I actually said that the machine got wrong, but many leave me completely baffled.


And so I here I submit before the court the evidence that we should not depend upon machines as substitutes for human intelligence. Read these excerpts from our transcribed talk:


• Be an ego apparently panther kid


Chief Mason decision he console semester drummer


• Check out the proposal with the people who song a DNCE event 


• Come back to the jeepbathroom music to proverbs Edward M. Yep 


• I hope the one thing that you came away with his head anytime you talk to call Koch


• Yeah meaning of this in person until you know how bill by Chesebrough you you have to know so much to understand the deepest deepest layer San Jacinto


• That’s not a threat right so that’s like that’s like a pony 


• Interesting part let’s talk about and they miss you got room on this


• Do you know it’s it’s is is church without necessarily guard interfering too much to do it I hate you


• I don’t like Bill Walker. (For the record, I don't know anyone named Bill Walker.)


• By the way river jacket you know they were racist black that don’t carry that but repeatable that’s correct


• Suddenly important because her kids are not so good at hello


• So instead of hiring somebody who knows how to count the beans from yesterday‘s job we need somebody who can imagine the new app for Jamarco


• How did Dr. Risa Crescent Cheese


• I haven’t found one quite as DS as the god of wine words

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