Here’s a phrase that I’ve never spoken: “I had too much time
and ran out of things to teach.” My life as a teacher is a constant giving up
of what I’d really like to teach, a constant disappointment that I can’t share
everything I’d like my students to know and experience, a constant making do
with a limited amount of time. It’s a kind of educational triage, making sure
the most needed things get attended to first and the others left to fend on
their own. My world record for working with one group happened in 2003, some 90
hours spread over six weeks with the students at the Orff Institute in
Salzburg— and I got to about half of what I had planned. And had another 90
hours of things I wish I could have done had I fulfilled my initial plan.
All of this got kicked up at a meeting for a
teacher-training institute seeking to include more training in the arts. This
year, we managed to offer some 8 hours of classes spread out over two weeks,
but everyone agreed it was a mere peek in the door of possibility. For it to
really qualify as a genuine training, with sufficient time for the brain to absorb the concepts, the body to get the skills down in the muscle memory, the mind to reflect so that the large ideas take root, we would need at least 40 hours.
Minimum. We floated briefly in that cloud and then dropped back to earth with
the same old questions: “What can we do with the limited time we’ll actually
have? “ Triage again.
On the positive side, it does make us clarify
what is essential and learn how to get right to it. Such limits often can
sharpen the focus and concentrate the imagination in astounding— or at least,
interesting— ways. But on the negative side, it’s a relentless battle convincing
the schedule-makers that what we know and have to offer is worthy of a great deal of time. Every class period wasted on some irrelevant
state-mandated subject poorly taught is time taken away from the kids delving
into Ella Fitagerald’s interpretation of the Great American Songbook and
beginning to craft their own. For example.
I’ve accepted it all (do I have a choice?), but just once
before I retire from teaching, I’d like to look at the clock and say; “Class is
dismissed early. I have nothing more to say.”
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