Thursday, February 23, 2017

Traveling Companions

I love everything about growing old. Except growing old. But to carry inside my life’s work and so thoroughly enjoy the company of other elders like Old King Glory, Old Man Mosie, Old Doc Jones, Old King Cole, Grandpa Griggs and Grandma Moses is a great joy. Not to mention the young ones like Little Sally Walker, Little Tommy Tinker, Little Johnny Brown and Wee Willie Winkie, my medical man Doctor Foster, my gardener Peter Piper. Ayele, Rashshid, Marko, Anna, Lisa and others in my international entourage also travel with me without ever getting their passports checked or fearing they’ll get turned away at the border.

I bring them all with me to every class with kids or adults and everyone is always so delighted to meet them and spend time together. Many of them have been at my side these four days at the United World College in Singapore and in every class they have appeared, happy children have left happier. And me too.

As always, my classes are based on constant repetition, needed to make the neuron connection, joined to variation, needed to keep the brain alive, alert and active, tucked inside. The same thing one hundred different ways. And so I’m looking for ways to say the same things 100 different ways, the constant truths of my life choices—I love children, I love teaching, I love music, I love the play of it all, I love the work of it all. I love having gathered this community of material and taking it wherever I go, ready at a moment’s notice to bring a spark of joy to whatever venue presents itself. And yes, I was doing this when I was in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, but not with the same clarity, assurance and dependable repertoire, those tried-and-true war horses that never tire and never let me down.

Thank you, my friends. And who wants to come to class with me tomorrow?

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