Sunday, July 8, 2018

Weather Report

My third time here in Dzodze, I’m always surprised that I never see or feel a mosquito and that as long as you stay in the shade—and there’s plenty of shade—it’s not unbearably hot here. But the last few days, I’ve noticed that I’m drenched in sweat and both the heat and humidity have ratcheted up a bit. Might it be because it’s later in July than I’ve ever stayed before? Or is it just a couple of hot days?

It rained this morning and suddenly, it’s cooler, there’s a refreshing light breeze and the sky is overcast. During one of the excellent body music classes this morning, I suddenly noticed the trees and the sky and listened to the silent space between the body beats and thought, “I’m in Africa. It’s a day as ancient as time and as close as this present moment. I’m surrounded by lovely people I don’t have to impress or flirt with or judge or compare myself to, just enjoy their presence. Isn’t that lovely?”

So the weather report is cool with a gentle breeze outside and cool with a gentle breeze inside. A nice change from trying to save the world, understand the world, change the world. Just take a breath, savor and enjoy the world.

And today I do.

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