Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Michelle 2016!

Continuing my goal to catch up to the Democratic Convention, I got to hear Michelle Obama’s speech last night. Nothing to say, but “Wow!!” She was at once warm, sincere, funny, poignant, impassioned, so smart and so clear about what really counts at the end of the day—character and real family values. I at once wished she was my Mom, my friend, my neighbor, my teacher and was so proud that she is my country’s First Lady. And redefining that term from a smiling, supportive, woman behind the man to someone doing amazing work in her own right. She stood up for real issues without apology, showed the spine the Democrats had slowly been losing over the years, with a posture that walked the talk and talked the walk.

Because of her work combating childhood obesity, she has visited by daughter’s workplace Kaboom!, the organization dedicated to building children’s playgrounds and getting kids out and playing. In fact, my daughter has met her twice and in the little promo video they showed at the convention, one of the speakers is identified as a Kaboom! employee.

So my question is this. After Barack’s next four years, is she allowed to run for President? Would he be our country’s first First Man? I seriously wonder if this is legally possible. Meanwhile, I’m getting my Michelle 2016! bumper sticker ready.

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