Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The News In Here and Out There

Some days ago, when some 100 lovely souls gathered in a “Hidden Valley” to begin their work of healing a broken world, an astounding thing happened. A humble functioning adult let go of his personal wishes on behalf of the common good and genuine hope lit up the sky. It was like the finale of a 4th of July fireworks celebrating the promise of a functioning democracy that was in danger of dying in the hands of a narcissistic psychopath supported by an alarming number of Stepford wives and husbands. And then someone else rose up who is more than a defense against our demise, but actually represents the greatest victory imaginable— a country finally ready to consider that a mixed-race woman is capable of leading us back to an America than never was and yet, can be. 


“Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people” has been the voice whispering in my ear for most of my adult life and with good reason. The very fact that an incoherent mean-spirited hate-mongering self-absorbed convicted felon who has already proven himself a disaster as a leader is even allowed to run for the highest office in the land is reason enough to wonder about our national soul. But the right thing happened in 2008, 20012 and 2020 and if we can awaken those astoundingly on the fence (really?), the numbers are on our side. “Our side” is not “we win” and “they lose,” but we all win because the possibility of further healing the deep wounds of racism, of misogyny, of purposeful ignorance, of unchecked greed, of environmental catastrophe, can make it onto the table as we gather to get to the real work ahead of us. The alternative is dystopia come off of the screen and the book’s pages into the very fabric of our lives. Too horrible to contemplate.


On the second day of our Orff course, today’s class plans on my mind, I’m aware I’m not doing justice to this theme. But hey, what happens here is my own contribution to personal and collective healing in the way I know best. 

For now, just nine deep bows to Mr. Joseph Biden, a man I’ve come to deeply admire and am now yet more grateful for. And a shout-out to Kamala Harris offering my full support to help turn the tide in her favor. May it be so!!!


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