Thursday, May 25, 2023


Bringing back child labor. Bringing back book banning. Working on banning gay marriage and perhaps mixed race marriage. Shameless about allowing assault weapons to kill our children without lifting a finger. Working every way they can to block legitimate voting. Lying, lying, lying, with no shame and often no consequence. Still denying climate change. Doing everything they can with money made off the backs of ancestral free labor and with their “get out of paying taxes free” card to bring any semblance of Democracy to its knees and continue to cause immeasurable harm and hurt without an ounce of remorse. Of course, you know who I’m talking about and if you don’t, I’m sure you’re not reading this.


Not a single one of the above tribe would ever, ever consider the idea of reparations. So I have a new plan about the best reparations we can make to people of color nationwide.


One of the hidden costs of the centuries of the slave trade was stealing people resources from the West African cultures. So I believe a logical-consequence- reparations would be to send a few million Republicans to those places and make them work for free as enslaved people (though not quite human beings, as they have proven time and time again) for at least 50 years. (350 less than the chattel slavery we benefitted from.) Before they land, take away their money, their guns, their cell phones and computers,  their identity, split up their family and get them out working in the fields or factories from dawn to dusk. 


It’s a win-win. The U.S. can finally get on with the business of a sustainable democracy that cares for the Common Good and the free labor can bolster the economics of various West African nations. Of course, I don’t wish these good people in Ghana, Senegal, Angola, etc. to have to put up with these 2/3rd humans (a generous estimate), but luckily, the separate and unequal living facilities will prevent contamination. We can check back in after the first 50 years to see if they deserve a parole. By taking their children away and educating them in West African schools as to how to develop as a human being, it’s possible that they might be granted freedom. 


Just a thought. 


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