Thursday, May 30, 2024

Back to the Story

Ljubljana is now one of my favorite cities! Simply delightful to walk or ride bikes along the river, some lovely parks, an impressive array of affordable restaurants and such lovely people. Many of whom we met last night as I connected with Tadeja, a Slovenian Orff teacher I helped train and invited us to another Orff colleague’s event that just happened to be this night. Her college students were giving a little concert sharing their original arrangements and compositions on Orff instruments. It was an intimate affair in the most beautiful University building and they played well with good spirit. 


Afterwards, their teacher, Tadeja and two more folks went with the five of us out to dinner, an outside spot with a perfect menu. We learned so much about ancient and recent Slovenian history, as well as some charming stories about some sights we were passing Like the statue of the woman with the naked breast and the tree planted to block the view from the nearby Church. And the story of the ruler who went to Spain and came back to this place with an elephant, which is why the Best Western where we are staying is called Zvesta Slon. (Slon means elephant). A simply wonderful evening and so much more satisfying than just being outside tourists.


The next day, Karen, Terry and I took off on our bikes alongside the river to ride the 30-minute (well, really an hour) trip to the elementary school where Tadeja teaches. She insisted that all we had to do was follow the river and we’d find it, but gave Terry the Google map directions just in case. A good choice, as the path along the river suddenly stopped going straight and we needed that electronic guidance.


But arrive we did and the kids, 5th graders, played two jazz pieces for us and then I taught them one and then they shared a couple of more games. As in everywhere I’ve taught kids this year, they were focused, attentive, relaxed, cooperative, musical and clearly having fun. We toured the school a bit, dropping in on an art class, the library and then back to the city via the bike path next to the main road. Just in time for the rains to kick in and send us back to our hotel rooms.


I checked in on the NBA Playoffs and had a new perspective on Luka Doncic, the Dallas player who is Slovenian. (Check out the highlights of the 4th game and look at his shot with 13 seconds to go!) Caught up on Steven Colbert, lay down to read my book and without intending to, napping.


Dinner and perhaps a jazz club tonight, ready to hit the road again tomorrow. That’s the report on Day 5. 


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