Monday, May 13, 2024

Such As It Is


                        “Existing’s tricky. To live’s a gift.” – e.e. cummings


For some seven decades, I have generally been blessed to meet both the requirements of existing and the gifts of gracious living. But now in my 8th day of mere existence, simply getting through the day with coughing, napping, reading, coughing, eating, a touch of piano and TV at night. This damn virus just won’t let go and with a flight to Salzburg awaiting me on Friday, back to “all plans provisional” mentality. 


Hardly worth taking your time to write this, but might as well keep the discipline going until it’s so excruciatingly boring that even I can’t stand to read it. Well, at least there is that e.e. cummings quote, such as it is. 


Be well, my friends. 

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