Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Carbonated Holiness

… is what author Anne Lamott calls laughter. I agree. I’ve had a few deep belly laugh moments being with my kid-funny grandkids and still playful middle-aged (?!) children and it is a cleansing tonic indeed. Combined with the vigorous exercise of kayaking, dune-climbing, biking, swimming and walking the beach, great meals, spirited games and leisure to just hang out without a watch on, it makes for a perfect vacation in what has become my retired forever-vacation. 


However… I’m still getting these mysterious attacks of mild dizziness that no doctor has yet been able to diagnose and throws me too many degrees off-kilter to fully savor these moment as I would like to. I’ve been thumbing my nose at the aging process, but it’s starting to catch up with me. 


Nevertheless, I persist. With laughter when I can. 


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