I just had the most amazing classes with my 5-year
olds! We successfully completed Standards AP 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 and threw in an
extra CE 2.3 for good measure! As if that wasn’t enough, we spiced it all up
with HCC 3.2 and MCC K.3. You can imagine how proud I was when I discovered
that they could Count Forward with Vocal Variety and achieve the Integrated
Outcome I had planned for them. And to top it all off, we used a Big Idea (that
5-year-old children could count forward from zero to ten) and just to send the
whole lesson through the roof, we spoke, sang, shouted and whispered. You can
imagine how I came home beaming with joy and slept the sleep of the good and
righteous, knowing that Common Core had led me into the light of pedagogical
revelation. And you know the kids were just bustin’ their buttons at carpool as
they jumped into the car shouting, “Mom! We aced the HCC 3.2 today!!!”
Before I read through the hundreds of pages of
standards and outcomes and scientifically-tested ways to ensure my students
were learning everything I taught them and were thoroughly prepared for life in
the 21st century, I was a lost waif wandering aimlessly through the
halls of “Uh, gee, I don’t know, kids” education. I used to let my kids play
with fingerpaints without ever once testing, measuring and assessing whether
“The child successfully dipped the finger in the paint can and applied it to
the canvas without sucking on his/her finger, painting his neighbor’s eyeball
or writing obscenities. (Standard FU 6.9).” They just had a rollicking good
time trying stuff out and we talked about what he painted and what it was and
how he thought about it and what he might add.
I’d let the kids mess around on
Orff xylophones and then learn a short pattern and invite them to improvise
variations. Apparently, I accidentally did something good here, as Creativity
was an acknowledged 21st Century Skill. But without ticking off the
HUH? 6.6 box and proving that the child is now ready to appreciate John
Coltrane’s A Love Supreme, I was simply wandering in the dark.
Before I saw the light, I used to spend hours
remembering how kids think and imagine and explore and built my lessons around
that, but now I see that was time better spent making sure that they can “count
forward from zero to ten using four different voices.” I used to create opportunities for play within
structures that revealed the essence of the ideas and techniques of a
particular lesson, watch and observe the kids’ responses, help shape and grow
them, ask leading questions, engage in Socratic dialogue or simply leave them
alone and prepare myself to be astonished. But no more. Everything now fits
inside the neat little boxes prepared by people far away who will never meet my
Before I wrote out my lesson plans to be approved
by either living or mechanical robots, I’d spend that time improvising at the
piano or playing around with an idea for a class until it came into form or
reading brilliant educational thinkers like Whitehead, Montessori, Steiner,
Dewey, but now I see the error of my ways. Children should not be left alone to
just play, explore, discover, mess around, ask questions, try things out.
Adults should not be encouraged to watch them, observe them, gently guide them,
inquire alongside of them, celebrate them, praise them, bless them. Without the
heroic efforts of the folks who brought us Common Core or any other current
jargon coming from the hollowed halls of top-drawer education, we would be left
wandering in the dark of our ignorance as to how to pass on our love for our
subject, how to offer the necessary techniques, ideas and crafts, how to assess
every minute of every class what the child needs next and think about how we
can give it to her.
Wait! What’s that? An earthquake?! Or Friedrich
Froebel, the visionary who first coined the word “Kindergarten,” rolling over
in his grave?
PS. For those curious, below is a sample of the
brilliant lesson I extol above.
Identity: Me and My World:
How do we use our senses to
observe and learn about the world around us?
Kindergarten: Arts Integration with Dance, Music and
Mathematics LESSON
3: Counting Forward With Vocal Variety
BIG IDEA: I can us my voice and body to perform counting
songs and rhymes. I can count forward from zero to ten using my voice to speak,
sing, shout and whisper.
guidance and support from an adult, students will participate in a counting
song or chant using appropriate voice and movements.Action
Elements: Timbre
MCC K. 3
Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written
numeral 0-20.
When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, paring each
object with one
and only one number name and
each number with one and only one object.
AP 1.1 Build
the range and capacity to move in a variety of ways.
AP 1.2 Perform
basic locomotor skills (e.g., walk, run, gallop, jump, hop and balance).
AP 1.4 Perform
simple movements in response to oral instructions (e.g., walk, turn, reach).
CE 2.3 Respond
spontaneously to different types of music, rhythms, and sounds.
AP 1.2
Identify and describe basic elements in music (e.g., vocal timbre)
HCC 3.2 Sing
and play simple singing games from various cultures.
AV 4.1 Create
movement that corresponds to specific music.
AV 4.2 Identify, talk about, sing, or play music
written for specific purposes. Name
and perform dances.
Name and play dance games.
Sing songs.
speak, sing, shout,

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