Saturday, December 26, 2020

And It Came to Pass

With five days left in 2020, I’m in the looking-back reflective mode. Took a peek what I wrote 

close to this time last year and found my new words to Good King Wenceslas.  And I’m happy

to report, my hopes expressed there were mostly realized. Of course, I never could have

foreseen—none of us could— what helped turned the tide and at what enormous cost. But

the plain fact is that enough of a majority indeed spoke “We won’t take it anymore” with their 

vote and there was unquestionably an enlargement of vision. May it continue.


1)               Goodkin once loved Santa Claus,

      Loved his jolly spirit.

      Pledged that this would be his cause,

            To help bring others near it. 


              Now that feels a good league hence,

              Far from generous giving.

              Living with Trump and Mike Pence,

              (If you can call that liv—ing.)


2)                Goodkin went once and looked out,

              As the year was turning.

              Looking back he heard the shouts,

              ‘Midst flooding and the burn-ing.


              “We won’t take it any more!

                The ignoring and denying. 

                Disdain for the victimed poor

                Deafness to kids cry-ing.”


3)                In the tyrant’s steps some trod

              Bringing down democracy

              Like peas sheltered in a pod

              Hiding in hypocrisy. 


              Therefore all good folks unite

              Wealth or rank possessing

              Let us join in the good fight

              Bring healing and some bless—ing.


4)                Those who now can sing this song.

              With these words can read it.

              Let’s pledge now it won’t take long

              Before we start to heed it. 


5)               May truth and love be our reward,

              And small things feel like plenty.

              May our vision be restored

              Return to 20/20. 

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