Saturday, February 1, 2025

Facebook Billboards


I often have wondered how culture might change if all the billboards advertising things we don’t need had wise sayings that reminded us of what we do need. In some ways, some Facebook posts have become just that. Here are three that attracted my attention and help steer my intentions as we begin this new month of February. 


It’s a sunny day in Sao Paulo. Even in the windowless room where I soon will be teaching another 50 Brazilian music teachers, I’m facing the sunshine of their smiles. Just by being alive, we can’t help but do some harm—ask the animals and plants we eat, the fossil fuels we burn, for starters. But to minimize harm and maximize healing, that’s in our power. “First do no harm” is the Hippocratic oath of doctors, but shouldn’t we all make that vow? Teachers, politicians, corporative executives? No one is exempt from that responsibility. 


“Do no harm” is the negative flip side of the positive “do some good.” Building the new patterns that serve life, both individually and collectively, is precisely what I feel this Orff music teaching is about. Next week, school begins in Brazil, so today’s workshop will offer models, activities, games, songs to welcome the children at the beginning of their year, assure them that they belong, will be seen and heard, will be valued. 


It is impossible for me to wholly pretend that the dark cloud of Mordor in my land is not there. But as I’ve said before recently, I refuse to let it wholly darken my mind, refuse it entrance into my heart and soul and choose to face the right direction—those smiling faces of the adults and children I teach. That is what has sustained my hope and will continue to do so, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. 


And so February, here we are. Let’s go! 

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