Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Mystery Novel I Will Never Write

 Mary Lynard. It had been 40 years since I last saw her, heard about her, even thought about her. Yet here she was. 40 years after we graduated from our Orff music training together, she turned up at my Orff workshop. Naturally, we had to take a selfie together to mark the occasion.


And that’s when things turned strange. I woke up. It had just been a dream and that already was mysterious. Why think about her now? What had triggered my sub-conscious to bring her back?


I got out of bed and on an impulse, went to my phone. And there in recent photos was the selfie we took in the dream!…


Of course, that last bit never happened, but I woke up thinking, “That could be a good beginning to a mystery novel!” One that I will never write. 


You are welcome to use it. If it’s a best seller, I’ll take 5% of the royalties. And Mary, if you’re reading this, get in touch and tell me what you’ve been up to. If you tell me that you dreamt about me last night, we should write the novel together. 

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