Saturday, March 14, 2020

Report from Trader Joe's

It was five weeks ago that my courses in Hong Kong and Bangkok got cancelled because of the coronavirus. I came home 10 days early thinking I’d be returning to some kind of normal. Who would have guessed what would follow?

Last night, I found out my grandchildren are coming here from Portland. With their schools closed, it’s going to be the Goodkin Home Schooling Experience. In-between attending to any online lessons with the kids at my school. I watched Stephen Colbert without his audience, read about the NBA’s decision to not play with no one there to cheer them on, re-did my calendar with CANCELLEDor POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, starting seeing posts like “Orff Without Touching” and got a message from my 8 fellow friends in the men’s group (who I just spent a weekend retreat with) suggesting a Google-meet for our Wednesday meeting. Pardon my French, but suddenly, this shit is real!

And yet realer today as I went to Trader Joe’s to prepare for 3 more people in my house. Shoppers were polite and not frantic, but things were coming off those shelves fast. What was left. There were eight more sets of shelves like this photo above! And even as I’m trying not to go overboard with hysteria, I did find myself buying two bottles of Balsamic vinegar when I normally buy one. Interesting what I felt was essential! 

So that’s the report from this new one-day-at-a-time world. What’s next?

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