Thursday, July 27, 2023

Farewell to 71

Tonight I gave my lecture titled “The Culture of Connection.” I spoke about my experience in Ghana and the multiple lessons it had to teach about kids, culture, community and what’s really important in this life. Knowing what health looks and feels like in actual human beings and gatherings of human beings, the gap between our possibility and our day-to-day experience in an increasingly toxic-to-the-human-spirit culture, I naturally had to compare and contrast. If we don’t have a name for our disease and/or recognize its symptoms, we have no hope of an accurate diagnosis and possible healing. Not the happiest of topics, but balanced by the opening videos of happy kids in Ghana and some closing words about the happiness we’re all experiencing together in this Orff retreat. 


It was yet another glorious day, where every minute of my five hours teaching was glowing with exuberance, laughter, joy and powerful music and dance. Tomorrow I’ll spend most of my birthday doing exactly what I was born to do with people I’m happy to be doing it with. And then look forward to a night out on the town, dinner and a movie with our fab faculty.

Meanwhile, some birthday wishes on Facebook are trickling in and I was moved by one from a woman in Iran. Lovely words and sentiments to close out my 71st year. 


Doug to me symbolizes a teacher whose first word is love, a love that makes commitment and a commitment that is human-made. I learned from Doug, besides the technical issues, that love for work, commitment and teamwork is enough to nurture humans and everything else will go ahead. Happy birthday to my dear Doug πŸŽ‰


More than I deserve, but hey, who am I to say? Alongside a quote from one of my current Level III students that I used to end my talk, encouraging words to help me begin my first step of the next circle around the sun.


Sometimes, during the classes, an atmosphere is created that takes us to a common place where everyone can participate and be happy, and that's the ideal world where I want to live.


Me, too, my friend. And against all odds, it’s the world I am living in. Onward!




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