Wednesday, July 12, 2023

THE GHANA CHRONICLES: Multiple Intelligences— 6/23/23


After the morning classes, we set off for a nearby village where young men weave kente cloth. Here we witnessed one of the most remarkable demonstrations of integrated multiple intelligences as work that Howard Gardner himself could never have imagined.


One video speaks a thousand words, so I've included a link here. As you watch, consider all the intelligences at play. First off, a kinesthetic intelligencethat is breathtaking, as the weaver not only passes the shuttle back and forth with his hands, but manipulates the warp with his feet (watch both— the feet have four different possibilities). The virtuosity is akin to the best organ player or trap set drummer! And the speed at which he works is simply breathtaking.

Meanwhile, he keeps a complex pattern of the kente cloth wholly in his mind without referring to any picture or written directions. Astounding! This level of visual-spatial intelligence is at a Mt. Everest level. Likewise, the mathematical patterns involved call forth a high level of logical-mathematical intelligence. The musical intelligence is not only needed to work rhythmically, but often the weavers sing while they work. This also helps connect them to their fellow weavers, as their interpersonal intelligence is exercised by the decision to do such work communally. With all of these intelligences fired-up and working together, one can only imagine how the intrapersonal intelligence of our internal sense of a connected self is fed. Finally, behind this is all is the linguistic intelligence as the kente cloth patterns represent proverbs and even stories that the weaver must know.

Most impressive (again, see the video) is the way all intelligences work together at once. When Howard Gardner first posited his theory of Multiple Intelligences, our fragmented and segmented school system didn’t know (and still doesn’t) what to do with it. We tend to separate everything out into discrete subjects and when we try to combine them, often do it superficially (like reciting the times-tables as a rhythmic chant and then checking off the little boxes— Musical Intelligence x   Mathematical Intelligence x). Meanwhile, one of the finest Western practices authentically and organically connecting intelligences is Orff Schulwerk. Here music is linguistic (chants, speech pieces, poems, songs), mathematical (every aspect of music can be felt and described mathematically), kinesthetic (instrumental technique, body music, conducting, gesture and the inclusion of dance), visual-spatial (dance choreographies, instrumental techniques), interpersonal (always learning and playing in groups), intrapersonal (the invitation to create through improvisation, composition, choreography, taking solos) and of course, musical. Yet I noticed when Project Zero started trying to implement Gardner’s theories practically, they never once invited an Orff teacher. Gee, I wonder why.


After the weaving village, we went to another village to observe all the things made from the palm tree— food, medicines, wine and more. Again, a beautiful ecological model of the proper relationship to and use of the natural plants surrounding us. All hand-made, yet another integration of human intelligences that helps create meaning and connection not possible when we outsource our lives to machines.

Late that afternoon, there was to be a float of Nunya students parading through town to advertise the Dedication Ceremony tomorrow. Sadly, torrential rains came and didn’t let up and we had to cancel. That night, all just hung out for hours after dinner, playing cards, playing music, talking, 50 beautiful souls with all screens turned off just enjoying each other’s company. The way is spozed to be.

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